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Freedom From Night Eating Syndrome
Intro + About Me + What to Expect (5:59)
Course Workbook - Print Verion
Module 1
Stages of Recovery (8:51)
What is a Neural Network? (3:28)
Causes of NES (Part 1) (10:02)
End of Module 1 (0:34)
Module 2
Causes of NES (Part 2) - Caloric Restriction (21:07)
Maintenance Calories (9:14)
Macronutrients (12:34)
FAQs (6:49)
End of Module 2 (0:54)
Meal Plan Guide
Module 3
Causes of NES (Part 3) - Blood Sugar Balance (26:58)
End of Module 3 (1:34)
Blood Glucose Tracker Companion
11 Blood Sugar Balancing Tools PDF
Supplement Recommendation Guide with Links
Module 4
Cortisol and Exercise (18:30)
End of Module 4 (2:12)
Live Session -4/10/22 (54:29)
Module 5
Addressing Negative Mindsets and Limiting Beliefs (26:08)
Normal Relationship with Food (9:15)
End of Module 5 (1:06)
Safe Foods Companion PDF
Module 6
Guided Intuitive Eating (15:31)
End of Module 6 (2:45)
Module 7
Dopamine and the Brain (12:10)
Progressively Eat less (13:38)
End of Module 7 (2:50)
Module 8
Stress Management (18:51)
Congrats! And What's Next...
Well Done for Completing this Course... (1:22)
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